Tomb IGN89 is located in sector III of the Khuraymat necropolis, facing north. The facade is set back into the massif by about 50 cm in the lower part and 1 meter in the upper part. The tomb belongs to the typology with a single row of crowsteps. The facade features an architrave with a cartouche recessed a few centimeters into the surface, although the inscription occupies only the first lines. The entrance is slightly off-center compared to the symmetry axis of the facade.


Processing techniques

Pick, Point chisel, Flat chisel


Sandstone, Mortar (around the cell)

Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II, Nehmé L., Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris 2015, pp. 148-149
The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada’In Salih, Healey J.F., Oxford University Press, Oxford 1993, p. 225


“This is the tomb belonging to Amat daughter of Kamulat to herself and to her children and her descendants. In the fourth year of Rabel King of the Nabataeans.”


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