First Field Season
September 23 - April 24
Summary list of activities
- Definition of the needs of the working groups, including sub-constructors and consultants;
- Coordination of resources and field activities;
- Implementation of conservation assessment activities;
- Development of the QGIS system, tailored according to the project needs (continuous open dialog between the ES Progetti e Sistemi team and the on-the-field conservators’ team);
- Creation of templates for data entry;
- Testing activities to ensure the method’s effectiveness and precision;
- Field inspection to identify the sampling areas and draft of a sampling protocol to facilitate the smooth implementation of activities (24-26 November 2023), with the participation of consultants and the project management team;
- Compilation of analytical-descriptive cards and organisation of collected data through documentation and monitoring;
- Realisation of descriptive and photographic documentation and planning of additional inspections for specific areas at great height to ensure safe development of works;
- Publication of information through the website and social media channels (from 6 December 2023);
- Planning and development of specific site visits and inspections to address critical issues, especially focused on AlDiwan and AlFarid;
- Completion of the first round of cataloguing activities of 167 structures;
- Production of visual documentation via photogrammetric analysis;
- Organisation of field workshops and meetings with the RCU conservators;
- Prosecution of diagnostic analysis of the collected samples, installation of sensors, and production of photographic documentation with a thermal camera to monitor environmental and thermal conditions;
- Review of the documentation produced, study of bibliographic texts, and update of online archive;
- Transfer of collected data in the centralised geodatabase and insertion and review of metadata for photographic and video documentation;
- Technical support and updates of mapping activities on QGIS programme and completion of 3D survey activities processing;
- Review of cards related to the environmental monitoring and planning of activities for the next field season.
During the conservation assessment activities, essential operations were carried out to ensure the project’s precision and effectiveness. The process began with the preparation and organisation of operations, which included defining the needs of the working groups involved, such as Geogrà for laser scanner and photogrammetric surveying, Es Progetti e Sistemi for the GIS database, and scientific consultants for the diagnostic plan. This enabled optimal coordination of resources and field activities.
A new strategy for cataloguing and mapping the tombs was defined, including the creation of card templates for the entry of data regarding materials, processing techniques, and state of conservation. A specific tomb was selected to test the cataloguing process and the QGIS system, ensuring the method’s effectiveness and precision.
Field inspection began with a preliminary assessment of the tombs, producing a detailed report that included information about the necropolis, tomb typology, and conservation conditions. This was followed by drafting a sampling protocol, which allowed for sampling activities to take place from 24 to 26 November 2023, with the participation of consultants and the project management team.
Documentation and monitoring played a crucial role in the accurate collection and organisation of data. Descriptive and photographic data were used to understand the state of conservation over time, and additional checks were scheduled for surfaces at great height to ensure safe inspections. Updating and communication activities included the compilation of analytical-descriptive cards and the publication of information through the website and social media channels starting from 6 December 2023, after RCU authorisation.
In March 2024, site visits and inspections were conducted to address specific critical issues, such as those in the ceiling of AlDiwan, the facade of AlFarid, and other areas of the site. The cataloguing of 167 structures was completed, with a focus on updating and integrating the existing cards. Photogrammetric analysis produced visual documentation for condition assessment, while training of RCU conservators and field workshops helped improve the team’s skills and objectives.
Diagnostic activities continued with the analysis of collected samples, using techniques such as porosimetry and XRF spectroscopy to interpret the results. Additionally, sensors were installed, and thermal cameras were used to monitor the environmental and thermal conditions of the tombs.

Finally, a review of the documentation and archiving was carried out, including the study of bibliographic texts and the updating of the online archive in preparation for the project off season. The activities also involved the analysis and review of critical issues encountered on the site, with particular attention to specific areas such as AlDiwan and AlFarid. The analytical cards were transferred and updated in the centralised geodatabase, and documentation management envisaged the ongoing insertion and review of metadata for photographic and video documentation.
Technical support and updates were provided for the mapping activities and the QGIS programme, while 3D survey activities reached the completion of the necessary processing. Diagnostic analyses continued with frequent updates and comparisons, while environmental monitoring included reviewing recorded data and planning activities for the next field season.
In summary, these activities allowed for an in-depth evaluation of the state of conservation of the tombs and structures, ensuring effective management and careful preparation for future phases of the project.