Tomb IGN5, an undecorated burial chamber, was carved approximately halfway up the eastern slope of the massif in sector I of the AlMahjar necropolis, facing east. The tomb is located about 1.60 meters above the ground, just above the capillary rising damp zone, which has caused significant salt efflorescence in the form of a thick crust. The stone between the ground and the first 50 cm is highly disintegrated. The upper part of the massif above the tomb shows various sedimentation layers, larger alveoli, and discolorations.
The rectangular opening is regular except for slightly beveled corners on the upper side. The wall to the left of the tomb remains unworked, while on the right, pick marks indicate an intention to flatten the surface. The interior space is maximized with nine pit tombs: four in the central part, three carved into the walls, and two on each side of the entrance.


Processing techniques




Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II Nehmé L. Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres Paris 2015 pp.15-16

The central pit tombs are less deep, separated by stone curbs, and show advanced erosion. Despite the erosion, the walls and ceiling are relatively regular and well-finished. The entrance threshold extends inside, creating a small stone portion that allows access to the central and lateral pit tombs.


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