The tomb IGN102, part of the Hegra type, is located in Sector I of the Sanie necropolis, excavated on an isolated massif facing north. The facade features typical decorative elements: two half-crowsteps, an Egyptian entablature with cornice and architrave, an attic, an Ionic entablature, and two angular pilasters with Nabataean Corinthian capitals. A cartouche with a small inscription is positioned halfway between the architrave and the access door. The interior is square-shaped, housing multiple funerary structures, including burial niches and pit tombs. The internal structure shows signs of repairs and reconstruction using mortar.
Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II Nehmé L. Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres Paris 2015 pp.175-178; The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada’In Salih Healey J.F. Oxford University Press Oxford 1993 p.196
This is the tomb which Malkion the omen-diviner made for Hunaynu Hephaestion the commandant his father and for himself and his children and his descendants by hereditary title. In the month of Nisan the seventeenth year of our lord Haretat King of the Nabataeans lover of his people. ‘Abdharetat the mason son of ‘Abd’obodat made it.