Tomb IGN115 is carved into the concave side of the eastern slope of the main massif of the AlAhmar necropolis. The access plane is elevated by approximately 70 cm compared to the natural terrace, and the threshold of the main chamber is situated on a ledge that runs along the entire facade. The facade features two half-crowsteps, an Egyptian entablature with a cornice, torus molding, and a false architrave.
Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II Nehmé L. Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres Paris 2015 pp.195-196
Below this, there is a recess for an inscribed slab. The entrance lacks lateral pilasters and has a simple double-frame decoration. The interior consists of an unfinished circular main chamber with a low ceiling. The exterior exhibits severe erosion and weathering.