

Tomb IGN133, part of the Sulaymiyya necropolis, is the first in a series of six tombs excavated in a small, significantly eroded massif. The entrance, elevated about 1 meter above the walking surface, is a rectangular opening matching the dimensions of the burial chamber, which allows a direct view inside. The tomb’s exterior shows remnants of angular pilaster bases, and there is a natural recess to the left with parallel excavations of unknown function.


Processing techniques

Pick, Point Chisel


Sandstone (Presence of clasts, stratification, fractures, and cavities typical of the massif)

Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II Nehmé L. Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres Paris 2015 p.220

The interior comprises a quadrangular burial chamber with a burial niche, a burial cell, and seven pit tombs. The interior surfaces retain partial signs of processing, including punctiform and coarse incisions, and are affected by extensive erosion, scaling, and biological colonization.


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