Tomb IGN37 is located on the southern slope of the main massif of the AlBanat necropolis, a few meters to the right of Tomb IGN35. The facade height is limited by the vertical development of the massif in this area. The facade, of the single-row crowsteps type, features two lateral cleaning trenches, with the right one set back about 5-10 cm from the facade. The facade includes 2 half-crowsteps and 5 full crowsteps, resting on a projecting moulding and a smooth architrave, with a central area possibly intended for an epigraphic cartouche. The facade is rich in decorative elements, including pseudo-Doric capitals on corner pilasters and a unique entrance decoration with a central rosette and two animal figures, possibly lions, placed in profile.
Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II Nehmé L. Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres Paris 2015 pp.78-79
The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada’In Salih Healey J.F. Oxford University Press Oxford 1993 p.152