Tomb IGN51, located in the Khuraymat necropolis, is carved into the eastern side of an isolated massif in sector I. The façade, executed in the proto-Hegra type 1 style, faces east. The tomb’s façade, now in a critical state of conservation, originally featured two half-crowsteps at the top, an Egyptian entablature with a cornice, torus moulding, and an architrave. Only parts of the capitals of the angular pilasters and the cartouche below the architrave remain visible. The cartouche is in slight relief, but its inscription is barely legible due to erosion. Below the architrave, three holes are visible, likely used to anchor movable decorative elements. The lower part of the façade, including the entrance, is heavily altered, making it difficult to identify its original features.
Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II Nehmé L. Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres Paris 2015 pp.100-101
The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada’In Salih Healey J.F. Oxford University Press Oxford 1993 p.163
Translation of inscription H17: This is the tomb for ……. the prefect………. ‘Ubaydu………. In the third year of Rabel King of the Nabataeans.
The cartouche, despite being eroded, suggests the use of an abrasive for smoothing before the inscription was engraved.