Tomb IGN73, belonging to the type with one row of crowsteps, is located in sector II of the Khuraymat necropolis. The tomb faces south, and more than half of its carved surface has been lost due to a collapse, exposing the internal chamber. The remaining facade features a row of crowsteps, a false architrave, and an architrave with a dense Nabataean inscription. The left capital is of a simple pseudo-Doric order. The counter-façade has completely collapsed, but the remaining walls are regular, with a square layout.
Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II, Nehmé L., Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris 2015, pp.126-128
The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada’In Salih, Healey J.F., Oxford University Press, Oxford 1993, p.215
“This is the tomb which belongs to Shabbu son of Muqimu and to Nubayqat daughter of …. and to their children and their legal heirs and anyone who produces in his hand from Shabbu and Nubayqat a deed of entitlement………. (that) he might be buried in it. And Tilm daughter of Mali may be buried (in it). And Shabbu will assign(?) half to Nubayqat; the other half is for Shabbu mentioned above.”