Tomb IGN78 is part of the Khuraymat necropolis and is located on the western slope of the main massif of sector II within an inlet to the left of tomb IGN77. The tomb lacks a facade, and it is unclear whether the facade was never constructed or if it collapsed later. The chamber is at ground level and is approximately 2 meters high, with a width of about 1.5 meters on the left and 2 meters on the right. The rock wall presents a vertical dark-colored layer of uncertain composition, with the sandstone deposition layers inclined at about 45°.
Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II, Nehmé L., Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris 2015, p.134
The tomb consists of a single rectangular burial chamber. The lateral walls and ceiling show long, curved pick marks on the walls and short, irregular marks on the ceiling.