Tomb IGN85 is located within a natural inlet in sector III of the Khuraymat necropolis, facing southeast. The facade is simply decorated, with a row of crowsteps consisting of four crowsteps and two lateral half-crowsteps, followed by a torus moulding. The entrance is crowned by an overhanging cornice and is elevated about 50 cm above ground level. The facade was carved slightly into the rock wall, with the cleaning trenches ending at the same height as the facade, allowing for a drainage channel for rainwater runoff.


Processing techniques

Pick, Point chisel, Flat chisel



Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II, Nehmé L., Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris 2015, pp. 141-142

The interior consists of a quadrangular room with a burial cell on the back wall and a pit tomb on the right side of the floor, currently filled with sand.


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