Tomb IGN88 is located in the southern part of an inlet in sector III of the Khuraymat necropolis, facing north. The facade belongs to the typology with a single row of crowsteps. The tomb is set back into the massif by about 1 meter. The facade features a row of crowsteps, a false architrave, and a projecting cornice above the entrance. The upper area of the facade is heavily eroded, with discoloration likely due to biological colonization. The entrance is raised about 60 cm above ground level.
Les tombeaux nabatéens de Hegra vol. II, Nehmé L., Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris 2015, pp. 146-147
The inner chamber is rectangular and regular on the left side, while the right side has some protruding corners due to the extraction work. The chamber includes a burial cell on the back wall, which still retains traces of white mortar used to seal the closing slab.